While you could theoretically make any sort of player character, you want to end up with homebrew races that can be played alongside the existing races without causing a power imbalance. Custom Race Goalsįirst, before we get into it properly, we should establish what goals we’re working towards.
So why not make your own? Start looking for inspiration because we’re going to run through the design workshop with everything you need to know about making your own custom dungeons and dragons 5e races. Where are the octopus-people? Why can I not be a dragon race that's actually dragons, or a robot with a chainsaw hand in dungeons & dragons? If you’ve longed for these playable 5e races and more, you’re left making do with a base race or scrounging through fan content and even then, you may not get something well-balanced or even what you’re really looking for. Dwarf, elf, orc, halfling, variant human, bleh, boring.